Margate Union Church (LEP)

Union Church Margate is a vibrant and friendly community, formed in May 1998 from the uniting of St Stephen's Methodist Church and Margate URC on URC premises. Later they were joined by the members of Buckingham Road Chapel which closed. Sensitivity has been shown to the two denominations in organisation and the wish to appeal to a wide age range and differences in desired expression.

There is a regular weekly prayer group, an effective prayer chain and pastoral system. Bible study is held regularly twice a month led by our Minister. There are flourishing Rainbow, Brownies and Guide groups led by members of the Church. On Monday and Wednesday there is a group for vulnerable adults. On Friday a Coffee Morning is held. Many other community groups use the premises each week.
Services: Sundays 10.30 am and 1st Sunday of month at 6.30 pm

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